A few Days Left to 2020

2019 is leaving us. Not many of us are sad to it go. Though we hope it was a good year for you. OK, so maybe 2019 was a good year because we decided to take action and start The Houda Project!

Looking back at how it started we are quite amazed at how far we’ve come. Of course, we were doing this for some time but we didn’t realize that it would come to this: an actual entity that would bring us closer to our goal

The journey of a thousand miles begin with a single step.

– Lao Tzu

Whats is our goal you may ask?

Our goal is to create a community, space, an ecosystem where people who want to learn more can reach out to genuine experts who want to reach out to the public. The public domain has too many “experts” who are just salespersons in disguise. And the public grew weary.

Our events have received positive feedback from people who had thought it was just another sales pitch and were surprised it was educational and informative. We decided to push forward and build on this.

The time has come.

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