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The Houda Project is expanding! We are looking for suitable candidates to be our Estate Planners! Help clients plan their estate for them, ensuring peace of mind; knowing that their loved ones would be taken care of and that their estate is in safe hands. Help clients to ensure a smooth transfer of assets to the people they intend to receive said portions of assets according to their wishes. Help them plan for eventualities and sidestep any potential problems they might encounter. 

We are looking for problem solvers who can analyse and consider all eventualities and think of creative solutions to help clients solve their needs. Candidates need to be able to empathise with clients to understand their needs and genuinely want to help solve their issues.

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Are you a financial advisor? Consider joining us to increase your repertoire of services you can provide your clients by being able to handle clients’ Muslim estate planning needs. You can help them ensure their policies align with their needs and help them draft the proper documents they require to ensure their estate will be carried out properly. Being able to plan a Muslim Estate will put you head and shoulders above others in the field.

Are you a real estate agent? Help clients pre-empt inheritance issues and nip them in the bud. You are handling their biggest asset; their property. Guide your clients to plan their estate while purchasing their biggest investment, making sure their investment is going to the ones they love. 

Extend your services and be known to others as an Estate planner and stand out among the crowd.

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